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Roaming and area codes, or how not to go crazy abroad.

Roaming and area codes, or how not to go crazy abroad. You are trying to call a friend who is abroad and suddenly you hear the sentence: "There is no such number". Are you sure you entered the correct number? If so, there can be only one problem, i.e. the lack of an area code. That is why today we come to you with an entry that will help you not go crazy in the world of numbers. We invite you to read.

Let's start from the beginning, i.e. roaming. In EU member states, we can roam without additional charges. However, "all that glitters is not gold", so let us remember that not always in a dependent territory or island of a given country we can use the Internet on the same terms as in the EU. Denmark is a member of the Union, but Greenland and the Faroe Islands (dependencies of Denmark) are no longer members of the Union. In addition, we must remember to turn off the Internet when we pass through a country that does not belong to the EU or to purchase an additional Internet subscription. For example, when you are driving a car to Greece, you must remember to turn off the Internet when passing through Serbia, otherwise the operator will charge you additional fees.

What about area codes, what exactly are they for? We are already coming with an explanation, area codes are distinguishing features of countries, thanks to which telephone calls are directed to the right place on earth. The international organization ITU assigns countries special numbers (country codes), which we must enter before the proper number when calling a person staying abroad. For example, to call Poland from abroad (which has the code 48), you need to enter 0048 or +48 on your phone. We already have the area code, we enter it and we still can't get through? Let's discuss this situation on the example of Italy (interestingly, in Italy there may be different lengths of telephone numbers), to call Italy on a landline, we have to dial + 39 06, and when calling a mobile phone, we skip 0. Until 2001, the first "0" was part of every mobile number, but prefixes for mobile numbers were shortened. Being interested in the topic, we conducted a test for you by calling landline and mobile phones in different countries. In all the countries we called (e.g. Croatia, Greece, France, Turkey) we do not have to add "0".

And now what we've all been waiting for, i.e. a mini download of area codes in the regions where we charter yachts.

US Virgin Islands + 1,340

Azores + 351

Australia + 61

Bahamas + 1,242

Balearics + 34 971

Belgium + 32

Belize + 501

Brazil + 55

British Virgin Islands + 1,284

Croatia + 385

Cyprus + 357

Montenegro +382

Denmark + 45

Estonia + 372

Finland + 358

France + 33

Guadeloupe + 590

Greece + 30

Grenada + 1 473

Grenadines + 1

Spain + 34

Netherlands + 31

Iceland + 354

Ireland + 533

Canada + 1

Corsica + 33

Cuba + 53
Lithuania + 370

Malta + 356

Martinique + 596

Mexico + 52

New Caledonia + 687

New Zealand + 64

Germany + 49

Norway + 47

Oman + 968

French Polynesia + 689

Portugal +351

Saint Martin + 590

St. Lucia + 1,758

Seychelles + 248

Slovenia + 386

Sicily + 39

United States of America + 1

Scotland + 44

Sweden + 46

Thailand + 66

Tonga + 676

Türkiye + 90

Hungary + 36

UK + 44

Canary Islands + 34

Cape Verde + 238

Italy + 39

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