Choose a sailing area
Cruise length
Age of the unit
from 0 to10 years
Unit length
from 2 to 10 ft
from 2 to 10 m
from 2 to 10
Cabins number
from 2 to 10
Number of toilets
from 2 to 10
Unit type
Yacht type
Price in EUR

What does yacht charter mean? What is a yacht charter?

What does yacht charter mean? What is a yacht charter? In fact, renting a yacht is a very simple matter - provided that it is not our first time and we already know what to look for, where to look for the best boats, etc. This text was created for all those who do not yet have such knowledge, or they have little experience and want to expand their information. Here we will discuss how to rent a yacht, how much it costs and what can be done to keep it as low as possible.

Yacht charter - what does it mean?

Simply put, it is a contract concluded between the charterer (i.e. the person who wants to sail a given boat) and the shipowner (i.e. the owner or guardian of the given vessel). Yacht charter specifies such elements as:

  • type of boat - the contract concerns a specific copy, with a strictly defined condition, age, equipment, stationed in a specific port, etc.,

  • date - usually it is a multiple of a week, and cruises traditionally start and end on Saturdays,

  • amount – how much a yacht charter costs depends on many factors, which we will discuss later. It is important to remember the so-called additional costs, such as marina stops, fuel, skipper hire (if needed), etc.

How to charter a yacht?

First of all - cheap and reliable. To make it possible, when deciding on a yacht charter , you need to find a reliable shipowner. It is worth remembering that renting a vessel from an intermediary is easier than overcoming language and cultural barriers between the owner and the charterer. What's more, it is a much cheaper solution (yes, cheaper - that's not a mistake) than chartering directly from the owner. How is this possible?

The thing is that the owner of a given boat usually does not have the time or desire to deal with paperwork, looking for clients, cleaning up after subsequent crews, removing possible failures, etc. So he hands over his yacht to the shipowner, who, as a wholesaler, can negotiate for his customers significantly lower prices.

How much does a yacht charter cost?

As we mentioned in the introduction, there are many factors that affect charter prices. Below we will briefly discuss the most important of them.

  • Season

It is worth remembering that renting a yacht in the middle of the holidays is not always the best option. In some countries, such as Croatia, the sailing season is very long and divided into three modules (high, medium and low). The choice of date should be a reasonable compromise between weather conditions and charter costs.

  • Boat characteristics

Of course, newer and better equipped units are more expensive than older and less attractive ones. It is also worth paying attention to the popularity of a given model. Let's remember that demand affects the price - two-cabin yachts sought after by many sailors tend to be more expensive than three-cabin yachts, even though the latter provide more comfort.

  • Location

Here, both the water area and the location of the marina from which we start the cruise are important. Note that ports located near airports are usually more expensive. So sometimes it is worth overcoming some inconveniences and starting a cruise from a smaller, off-the-beaten-path marina.

Yacht charter - step by step

As we have already mentioned, renting a yacht is very simple and the procedure is as follows:

  1. You go to , where you select the area, date, number of cabins and click "search".

  2. You look at the available proposals with photos of the units and choose the best one.

  3. You click on the pre-booking. It's free and takes you to the next screen.

  4. You choose additional options on it (maybe you want towels or a hostess?).

  5. You proceed by entering your contact details. We prepare a detailed offer, lower the price and send you a contract. You make an advance payment and start making plans for a great cruise.

Yacht insurance when chartering

Each yacht charter requires a deposit. It is returned at the end of the cruise, provided that nothing breaks down during this time. Otherwise, it will be reduced by the cost of repairing the boat. Various unforeseen events can occur on the water, so to avoid unnecessary stress, it is worth considering the issue of deposit insurance. This can be done in an external company or directly with the shipowner.

Where to find yachts for rent?

The best way to find an attractive rental boat is of course an internet search . If you are not sure where and what you want to go to, you can simply select the "ask a consultant" option. Our experienced man will contact you and help you make the right decisions.

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