Choose a sailing area
Cruise length
Age of the unit
from 0 to10 years
Unit length
from 2 to 10 ft
from 2 to 10 m
from 2 to 10
Cabins number
from 2 to 10
Number of toilets
from 2 to 10
Unit type
Yacht type
Price in EUR

13 Yacht Charter Rules

13 Yacht Charter Rules Do you know how to charter a yacht "right"? Do you know the rules that will allow you to negotiate a lower price? Or maybe you are afraid that a seemingly advantageous offer may turn out to be twice as expensive in practice? In this article, we want to present you our ways of a good yacht charter. We have been operating on the charter market for almost 20 years, during this time we have learned a lot, which is why we want to share with you our experience and insights on what is worth paying attention to when planning a holiday on a yacht.

1. Negotiate

The offer you will receive is often negotiable, do not assume that these are already final rates. Much depends on the agent's knowledge of shipowners and their pricing policy. However, remember that there are limits that cannot be exceeded. It is important that the shipowner, agent and charterer are equally satisfied. When choosing offers, be guided by quality, not only price. Book yachts only from proven shipowners. The principle of "what's cheap is expensive" often applies in the charter industry.

Charter Navigator has been operating in the sailing industry for many years. We chartered thousands of yachts, and in our base we had over 800 shipowners. We know many companies from the beginning of their existence.

2. Analyze discounts

At first glance, the 30% discount does not mean that the price is the best, because what counts is the final value. Watch out for marketing tricks of shipowners and agents.

Before sending you an offer, we analyze it in terms of catching marketing tricks.

3. Cheaper in a group

If you are looking for the cheapest monohull yacht per person, choose 3 or 4 cabin units with two places in the mess.

Similar rules also apply to catamarans, barges, etc. etc. We are here to help you with this.

4. The discount has its limits

Typically, shipowners give discounts of up to 20%. The agent can also deduct some from his commission. Once you get a quote, you won't get more than a 5-10% discount.

Of course there are exceptions. If necessary, our consultants will tell you what other discount is available.

ps. The above rules do not apply to "last minute" charters.

5. Where else to look for discounts.

It is usually easier for shipowners to give a €100 discount on an outboard motor (SUP, kayak, spinnaker, etc.) than to deduct €100 from the price of the yacht.

6. Count extra costs

The cost of charter is not only the price for the yacht, but also additional fees, costs of reaching the marina (flight, coach or car). Estimate them before choosing a charter, because it may turn out that a cheap yacht, but with an unfavorably located marina, will not come out so well. Then it is worth considering a charter from a popular marina, with easier access.

By chartering several hundred yachts a year, sailing as skippers, we know quite a lot of waters. Thus, we know whether it is worth chartering a yacht from a given marina and whether, at the same time, we will not be "eaten up" by additional costs, e.g. of transport

7. Provide details

If you do not use the booking system and submit a request for a charter by e-mail or by phone, specify your question precisely. Provide as much detail as possible (date, preferred marinas, yacht model, year, etc.). The more details, the better. Then the consultant will be able to prepare an offer that is more tailored to your needs.

However, you don't have to remember this rule. If you don't, our consultant will definitely ask you for details.

8. Last minute has its rights

Last minute is a great thing when we are flexible. Remember, however, that when using such an offer, you often have a limited choice (seasonal charter). In addition, consider whether by chartering a yacht at the last minute you will be able to find access at a good price. If you want to book a "last minute" yacht in the high season, you must take into account that there may no longer be any offers available in a particular place.

Our agency has access to all major booking systems. If you are interested in a "last minute" charter, based on the analysis of yacht availability, we will tell you whether it is worth waiting until the last minute or is it better to book the yacht right away.

9. Pay shipowners in euros

Shipowners should usually be paid for the yacht in euros. Remember, however, that such a payment involves currency conversion. Regardless of the currency you pay in, be sure to check the exchange rates. The agent must transfer the money to the shipowner in euros. Charter Navigator uses the online currency exchange office of Alior Bank (, thanks to which the exchange rates are at the level of other good online currency exchange offices.

10. The season starts in September

The Mediterranean booking season starts at the end of September. Then the shipowners already have fixed price lists for the next season. However, 50% of the price is usually required upon booking. Remember, however, that this is also subject to negotiation with the shipowner. Often charter companies agree to the first installment of 30%.

When does the season start and end in other regions, when is it worth booking? Write, call us. We will tell you everything

11. If I send a quote request to the agent and shipowner, who will give me a better price?

If you send an inquiry to the shipowner and the agent, you will receive the same or better price from the latter. Agents receive commissions from shipowners for chartering (the shipowner shares the revenue with the agent). An honest shipowner cannot offer a lower price than an agent.

Charter Navigator tries to analyze the honesty of its partners/shipowners on an ongoing basis. If it turns out that the shipowner has offered you a better price, be sure to let us know. These situations are usually resolved within 1 day.

12. An agent will help you

A good charter agency has extensive experience with shipowners and knows the charter companies. He will deal with problems related to the contract, transfers or deposits. In the booking process, the agent knows which companies are worth working with and which are not. In addition, he will explain what aspects are worth paying attention to (permits to leave territorial waters, the maximum number of people on the yacht, relevant patents).

Do we know our work?

Check us out.

13. Check reviews

Read opinions about shipowners, but be careful with information on the Internet. In particular, pay attention to new companies that already have a dozen or so good reviews, and only operate for 3-4 months, without having the first charters behind them.

While presenting you the offers, we also compare the offers available on the market. We try to sensitize you to charter companies that operate by breaking the rules.

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